

1. 笑容要斯文-不能开怀大笑,因为伤口会裂开-修炼不要喜形于色!
2. 不能讲太多话,伤口会疼痛-修炼成为一个聆听者!
3. 必须对美食有免疫力,酸辣甜对复健的牙床有害-修炼成为清淡食客!
4. 不能夜睡,对于细胞的复合时机不良-修炼早睡的习惯!
5. 对于包裹着自己皮囊更加珍惜爱护-爱护自己也是等于爱身边的人,不让身边的人担心!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You also cannot curse when ppl say Donavan is actually donut van ...

You also cannot show your middle finger because the nerve with link to your teeth even if someone say that you are too handsome to be her bf

you also cannot try to guess who I am and reveal my identity or your broken teeth will tell the other teeth fren of him and all of them will root!!