Uncle Jo's Kopitiam

没试过在这里吃过正餐,所以对于主食没有什么特别意见.个人主要的原因是正餐的选择是一些在外头可以买到更便宜及更道地的本地美食如Nasi Lemak, Laksa等.

我已经吃过了这里所有的烤面包.Roti Kahwin其实只是普通烤面包而已,别被名字骗了.全麦面包的味道不错,但我要大力推荐的是:
Roti Guli





Pelangi Plaza Ground Floor,Sutera Mall Ground Floor.(个人所懂)

1 comment:

Mr Nair said...

I brought some clients down for Tea and lunch yesterday 5jan12. I must say the service was very lousy. The boy who was making tea and coffee dished out the most horrible version of it in the entire Malaysia i think.Although the Ad says it offers tradition kopi, the only thing traditional was the cup, what you served in it was a nightmare.none of my five guests drank the tea or coffee that was served.We ask for twoo sets of bread and only one set was served, the other wanted to be served when we asked for the bill, and even the billing was wrong (227036). My guest had to sort it out for your staff. In this type of situation the customer, this will be my last visit to your kopitiam. Really boss your businnes will be ruined if you have this type of young boys to handle you coffee and tea.Serious it was the worst coffee and tea I and My guests ever drank in Malaysia.